Not bad, it is undoubtedly helped by the fact that I can breathe through my ears as well. Useful I'm told.
So is no longer having a beard, which I thought would have tickled but in fact is considered to be 'scratchy' in sensitive regions. Who'd have thunk it?
Having one of my Greta Garbo days and simply want to retire to the solitude of my room to be disturbed by no one that I have to talk to directly. You though are welcome to leave comments, and this HNT I have followed orders and shaved my shoulders and back so as not to put you off too much.
You weren't kidding. Are you sure that is real? And that is true about the beard, let's face it, not like it's cat furr or anything.
Hrm, in a good way?
Yup its real, my girlfriend at the time was happily surprised the day I shaved off my goatee.
Wow, that's umm.............a very nice tongue!!
By the way, I did the meme you tagged me with. =)
And a hint of glasses... we are knowing you more all the time =)
Its the holidays - don't hide in your room, go bah humbug someone until you come home rosey cheeked and smiling Grinch Style ;)
I'm sorry. I didn't read a word of that post. What are you doing this weekend?
Thanks for the meme, was cool.
Am Grinch-ing as we speak
I think I might be getting all misty eyed.
shaved shoulders and a mile long tongue!! Good heavens, don't confine yourself to the room man, go out to the bar and start wagging that Gene Simmons tongue to all the ladies out there! You'll have them crawling all over you..and your smooth shoulders.....:P
Thanks for the tag! I did it btw.
Wagged like a good 'un, loved the meme btw!
Ahh, now I can see why you like the tea thing so much...
Well, well, well...look at that.
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