Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Early HNT (Half Moon)

Right, I am posting my HNT early this week cos we've just switched internet providers today so I may disappear for anything up to 2 weeks any minute now.

This pic is for two people, Dirk who wanted to see my hairy shoulders (which is a week of laziness with regard to the bodytrimmer) and my arse for someone (female) who asked to see it specifically. She offered alternative options, but hey, any woman who wants to see my backside is welcome to see it. Sorry about the hairy shoulders ladies.

I'm gonna get withdrawl symptoms if I can't read all your blogs every day. Oh yeah that and the naked ladies on other sites. But I don't visit them often, honest. And the sport sites I visit as well.

I have to fix my friend's PC tomorrow, that should be fun. I tried tonight to put some anti-virus software on it but it stopped the thing dead. So after a lot of pissing about I tried to update the XP software only to be told its not valid, big surprise. So my friend and I will find a way around it, but don't tell anyone, OK.

I'm gonna sleep long and deep tonight. After 3hrs sleep on Sunday and last night and 12 hours on Monday, my biorhythms are truly scattered to the four corners. So tonight a little white pill will send me to the land of nod and I will sleep as long as it takes, tomorrow will be the same and Friday we're out for beers. So by the weekend my sleep patterns should be back on line. Cool as..

So I might see you tomorrow or in 2 weeks or so. Here's hoping it's tomorrow.



Blogger mist1 said...

So, about the waxing appointment...did you want me to make one for you?

1:39 AM  
Blogger vincentblackshadow said...


Reminds me of The Karate Kid - Wax on, wax off...

1:47 AM  
Blogger cherylann said...

that's the first male ass i've seen other than my husband's in 4 years. thank you. as for hairy shoulders... i dated a guy with hairy shoulders once... they kept me warm after sex. hahaha. hope to see you tomorrow and not in 2 weeks.

7:27 AM  
Blogger Donna said...


10:07 AM  
Blogger Donna said...

Um, who took the picture???

10:08 AM  
Blogger vincentblackshadow said...


So far so good, still here. For how long who knows?


Hehe gotcha with my hairy shoulders. I took the pic. Why?

12:34 PM  
Blogger shoes said...

hnt is for chicks. i really didnt need to see your hairy ass. at the very least you should wax

2:59 PM  
Blogger Glamourpuss said...

You took the picture? Wow, you're flexible.

I like that in a man.


8:15 PM  
Blogger Miss Sassy said...

2 weeks!!!
Completely unacceptable.

Wait, I said that about cable too... Blockbuster is AMAZING at helping you kill time, surely they can do the same for you! (movie rentals, in case the entire world hasn't been franchised yet)
You red heads... cheeky as ever ;)

11:42 PM  
Blogger vincentblackshadow said...


Mate if you can see my hairy arse on the small pic you've got good eyesight, I think you might have clicked on the bigger pic meaning you're in no position to complain.


Flexibility is just one of my many talents, you'll see....


Cheeky is as cheeky does. Two weeks means I'll be up to date with Big Tony Soprano at least!

11:51 PM  
Blogger Hollz said...

Nice tush..... Happy belated HNT!

1:38 AM  

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