Friday, October 20, 2006

A Friday Night In

Ah joy, all my friends are out on the town but I am sitting in front of my laptop watching the TV and letting my sore back recover. Saving money and being sensible are not my cup of tea, but it must be my growing maturity. People who know me may just laugh out loud at that comment. Maybe I am growing up at last.

Somehow I doubt it, I don't see myself as 34, I think I'm still stuck at 23. Do you feel that way? My friend and I have this ongoing debate. We agree that everybody's face has a perfect time. What I mean is that there is one point in a persons life when their face fits their age. The debate my friend Dave and I have is about our mutual acquaintances and when that moment happen. We can't quite agree on it but its fun to try it, well what else are you going to alk about when you're out walking your dogs.

I'm hoping that my back might allow me to head out for a pint tomorrow night, and hopefully the object of my desire, my lovely Slovak waitress, will be out. I'll probably still bottle it. Why is it when you fancy someone you revert to being 13 again. Still I think it might be her birthday tomorrow so you never know. Watch this space.


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