Monday, November 27, 2006

Oh Happy Days

OK, so I've been down a little lately - I have decided that life is too fucking short to worry about things.

My money problems will be solved by working damn hard and staying in a lot, chances are for a long time.

My back will get better, I will get fit again and enjoy every moment of doing it.

When I find someone I like, this time I'll make sure they're not mentally off-balance, and that they won't take the piss and leave me skint.

I'm gonna try and find a job that keeps me interested and pays well, second to that I'll get one that pays my bills.

But most of all I cannot keep waking up feeling down and wasting my life.

Soooo, before all the piss taking starts, I'll move on to finding a cure for cancer and AIDS, become a billionaire philanthropist, sponsor the fine arts and top it all off by marrying the most beautiful woman on the planet.

So there.

I'll need a lot of luck and even more alcohol if I'm gonna succeed!



Blogger mist1 said...

"...I'll make sure they're not mentally off-balance..."

Way to let me down easy. A simple, "Mist, I think we should just be friends" would have worked for me.

Excuse me, I have to go lick my wounds now.

12:19 AM  
Blogger Miss Sassy said...

Oh, this pic =)

Mist, I got the "you're really great, lets keep being friends" talk. Its easier when you get a reason, believe me.

Good attitude Vince, love the turn around, perhaps this Grumpy Gretchen will get back to being Sass with a Smile (and a silver tongue) just to beat you to waking up with a shegrinned lust for life.

12:51 AM  
Blogger cherylann said...

hrm... good luck?

5:10 AM  
Blogger Donna said...

Is this that awful thing of shaving cats to make them look like lions? Jeez, look at the poor bugger's little face, he's humiliated!!

12:47 PM  
Blogger Glamourpuss said...

Thought begets deed. You're on the way...


2:01 PM  
Blogger Farm Girl said...

That cat looks seriously pissed off. I can relate.

Wow, finding someone who is mentally stable, a new concept for me too. I'm going to look into it.


4:16 PM  
Blogger dirk.mancuso said...

I am LOVING that pic!!!

(No, really I am. Is there like a site with more? 'Cause I am really LOVING that pic.)

I've also started the "life is too fucking short to worry about things" philosophy. Worrying is really non-productive, no matter how good we are it.

1:13 AM  

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