Monday, November 13, 2006

Sorry for the delay

Normal service has resumed - well, hopefully.

My laptop finally gave up the ghost and died on its arse the other day. Forgot how long it takes to re-install Windows and all that other crap that goes with it. Three days of arseache to get my fuck-knuckle machine back in to some order. To top it all, its wiped my damn iPod of more than 20GB of tunes. Fuck sakes. Thought technology was meant to help.

Not a good weekend all told.

My football (soccer) team got blown out, my dream girl introduced me to her ex-boyfriend then canoodled in a corner with him and I didn't get the job I was after. But hey, everything's cool. Another game next week, more jobs to apply for and there are more women out there.

Decided to get my life in order, starting today. I was gonna get up, look for jobs, walk the dog, sort out the PC and then relax. I heard my stereo go off at 7.30, alarm number 1 go off at 7.45 and alarm 2 go off 5 mins later. Cool up by 8ish. Woke up at 10.47. I am a fuckin retard, I cannot even get myself up and dressed at the moment.

Tomorrow will be different, I promise.


Blogger Farm Girl said...

Okay I am going to hold you to that promise because my today wasn't very good either.

2:04 AM  
Blogger cherylann said...

arseache? fuck-knuckle? nice.

sending good vibes your way. get your arse out of bed, find a hot girl who rises early (and gives "good morning" hummers), find the job of your dreams, and all will be right with your world. then you won't have anything to blog about anymore and i will be sad.

6:38 AM  
Blogger vincentblackshadow said...


I feel bad whining about a bad weekend when I read about yours, chin up hun.


Good vibes recieved (and thank you), I'm out of bed - finding job and girl - meaning I will always have somehing to blog about.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Glamourpuss said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. Bed is a wonderful place - enjoy it. Life has a way of sorting itself out if you let it. Promise.


12:03 PM  
Blogger mist1 said...

I have to get my life in order too. Just not today.

1:40 PM  

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